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Fresh Collaboration with... ?

For a while now I have been inspired to collaborate more & more with other artist & to bridge that gap of semi isolation that artists including myself can often experience. In all honesty - I enjoy the isolation to an extent because I find it inspiring to have space & time to myself, but in the same breath I recognise that I am not an island & that my art is not to exist purely as a solo venture.

For this reason a few months back I had proposed a collaborative illustration concept to Timber & he graciously accepted. The results are for sale over at my Etsy site & the feedback has been brilliant. Following this venture, I thought... 'I would love to do this again & again if possible.' I have been in contact with an incredibly talented Melbourne based artist that I have given the same proposal to & she (as with Timber) graciously accepted.

The results & reveal are coming soon-ish, but for now please find a mini sneak peek below.

Take care

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