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Absorbing Our Surroundings

It is easy to become self focused, self absorbed & self centered - to think that what I do is the most important reality that exists. This is of course an illusion & something that I would not like to admit to, but in the same breath it can be a very real temptation when heading into each day. To live this way is a lonely & unfulfilled path, & so this post is simply about breaking the mold & looking beyond learning what it looks like to absorb our surroundings.

My wife & I have the pleasure of living in a beautiful neighbourhood within the little city of Guelph in South West Ontario, Canada. Although the sidewalks are covered in ice (not common to an Australian) I decided to go for a little walk with my camera & take a break from the drawing table & lap top. 

There are so many little details that are easily overlooked in the fast paced movement of life so I thought capturing an image would be a better form of communication. My hope today for all of us is that we would remember to absorb our surroundings & more importantly remember those around us because where would be without quality relationships?

It is a perfect day for a walk - enjoy!

Reader Comments (2)

I really liked your shadow picture ... Good work.
As Wedding Videographers .. we very well know how difficult it can be sometime to be creative.

February 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRaj

Hi Raj - many thanks for your comment & kind words. Best wishes with your wedding videography. Do you have a site? I would love to check out your work. Thanks.

March 8, 2013 | Registered CommenterAndrew Frazer

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